MCA is partnership of seven churches in the Mid-West who lead events and participate in various events together to further the growth of the members and the local church.
Membership in MCA is on a voluntary basis.
MCA is a partnership of churches committed to labor and serve together in hosting events, leadership development, and teaching core values to provide avenues for encountering truth and growth opportunities. These activities currently include conferences, leadership training, possible collaboration in short term mission trips.
The goals of MCA include encouraging church leaders, and hosting events that are building for the local church. MCA has a leadership structure comprised of a plurality of representatives of the current member churches and some paid staff positions to focus on various tasks associated with implementing the agreed strategies for each year.
Core Values
- The Grace of God
- Commitment to God and His Word
- All Nations Reached with the Gospel
- The Church
- Church Leadership
- Oneness (Love and Unity)
- Raising Godly Families
- Every Member a Minister